its been a good ride but it has to come to a end im afraid. Next year is my Final year of high school and im going to have to study hard to complete all the exams and shit, then after that im going to have to get a job and enter the real world :(
Sorry to all my (few) fans that enjoyed my voice acting , but im moving onto bigger and better things :).
i'd like to thank Crazymonkey154 for allowing me to voice in madness hunt 2 and mad-thirst, ( im still unsure if im going to voice in mh3), and all the awesome ppl i have met here, Ngangsterpimp, ttaisawesome, Hii111(sorry i will not to voicing in your animation),Littleluckylink, and of course, crazymonkey154.
Its been a good year, lets hope 2011 is better :)
peace out guys, never forget me :(
boss30 {2007-2010}